Jolie participated in the spring 2022 semester of SBS in Boston as a sophomore, and interned in the Office of the Governor of Massachusetts in Constituent Services, where she made a difference by speaking directly with MA residents about their lives, their concerns, and taking information about issues they were facing and hoping for the Governor’s help. She also worked to find answers by communicating with various state agencies. Here’s how Jolie describes her experience in the Governor’s Office, and with the SBS in Boston program:
“As a Political Science major and junior at UMass Amherst, I can proudly say SBS in Boston was the most impactful experience I have had at the university. Spring of 2022, I interned at the Office of the Governor for the Baker Administration in constituent services. At the state house, I was directly interacting with the Commonwealth and state agencies across Massachusetts to supply citizens with the assistance they needed. My in person, phone, email interactions with constituents enhanced my critical thinking, interpersonal and communication skills that I will take with me to future career opportunities. My understanding of the importance of public service at the state level within the Commonwealth grew my passion for a future in government.
Another amazing take away from SBS in Boston was the networking I was able to accomplish with coworkers, and career specialists at the Mount Ida Campus. I learned these connections are just as important as the workplace skills that were enhanced during the program and the professionalism class. This internship was a turning point in my academic and professional career! I’d recommend it to any college student eager to explore their career passions. Interning in the Office of the Governor allowed me to build lasting relationships with coworkers, enhance my workplace experience, and ultimately has put my foot in the door to get my next job. I am proud of myself and thankful for the opportunity!”
Join us for an information session to learn how you can apply to spend an impactful spring semester as part of the SBS in Boston program!