Priority deadline: October 10
Do you want to gain practical experience to become more job-ready or better prepared for law school? The new Law and Policy Justice Program (LPJ) is for students who are interested in law, government and social justice-related careers. For the spring ’25 semester, you’ll live at the beautiful Mount Ida Campus in Newton, take a course on Social Justice in Practice: Law, Politics, and Policy, (Legal/PoliSci/SPP 394EI, by permission), and complete a relevant internship for credit in the Greater Boston area.
The program runs in the spring semester and is open to all majors at UMass Amherst. All undergraduate students in any year are welcome to apply, but the program may be most appealing to undergraduate students in their junior and senior years.
Want more information? Complete this interest form ASAP! An application link will be sent to those who complete the interest form. Submit the application by Thursday, October 10th to join the Spring 2025 cohort!

Contact Professor Sindiso MnisiWeeks ( for questions. You are also welcome to speak with the SBS Career Advisors at the SBS Pathways Center and/or UMass Career Development & Professional Connections.