Shermarie Hyppolite, Communication and Journalism PR Track ’23 talks about her internship at kglobal, a full-service PR agency, while participating in SBS in DC last summer.
As a Communication and Public Relations major, I am forever thankful for my time …
In her latest blog post, Admissions blogger Lizette Sta. Maria reflects on her time in the SBS in DC program this past summer.
My cohort waves goodbye to me
It’s been a month since I pulled an all-nighter—struggling to …
Resume writing is an essential skill everyone needs because we all need to apply for a job at some point in our lives. Resumes are also important for scholarships, internships, grad school, study abroad, etc. As a college student, you …
Every summer, the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst sends a cohort of about twenty students to Washington DC for an internship experience filled with opportunities for professional and personal development. I’m part …
Wide smiles, flower barrettes, and matching t-shirts. My last memory was captured in a quick snapshot of my friends and me at our daycare and after-school program. For the majority of my life, I have gone to predominantly white …
By Odessa Burkett
Odessa BurkettAssociate Director of Career and Professional Development for SBS
Mia recently participated in our SBS in Boston spring 2021 internship program and interned at ELEMENT Productions, a full-service production and post company that creates content for distribution across all media platforms. Read below what Mia had to say about …
By Rachel Noto
Rachel NotoAssistant Director of Field Experience and Employer Engagement
I like to plan and make lists. Daily lists, monthly lists, everything was planned to a T, and I had a fabulous five year plan after senior high school; Graduate, move to South Africa for university and study law, …
By Odessa Burkett
Odessa BurkettAssociate Director of Career and Professional Development for SBS
I went to South Africa with SBS in the Summer of 2019. I was really nervous to be going across the world and I wasn’t sure what the summer would hold. Today, I can say that the experiences that …
By Odessa Burkett
Odessa BurkettAssociate Director of Career and Professional Development for SBS
Being an immigrant and growing up in an immigrant community impacted my academic and career decisions. As I became aware of how politics and law affected my community, I began advocating for our rights by raising awareness, doing …
By Odessa Burkett
Odessa BurkettAssociate Director of Career and Professional Development for SBS