Meet the World’s Top Female-Friendly Companies 2021, by Samantha Todd at Forbes

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken an especially heavy toll on women around the world. By January 2021, nearly 3 million women had dropped out of the workforce in the U.S. alone. Worldwide, women lost more than 64 million jobs and …

By Carol Sharick
Carol Sharick Director of Career and Professional Development for Undergraduates, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
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Resume Writing: Hyping Yourself Professionally

Resume writing is an essential skill everyone needs because we all need to apply for a job at some point in our lives. Resumes are also important for scholarships, internships, grad school, study abroad, etc. As a college student, you …

By Konah Brownell
Konah Brownell
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SBS Majors – Register for Hack(H)er413 (at UMass Feb. 5-6, 2022)

The first all-women (cis and trans) and non-binary students’ hackathon in Western Massachusetts.

Over the course of 24 hours, hackathon participants are encouraged to learn and develop new technical skills, network with sponsor company representatives, and innovate with passion.  If …

By Carol Sharick
Carol Sharick Director of Career and Professional Development for Undergraduates, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
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Looking for a job can be an overwhelming process, especially when looking for something that matches your passion for meaning, …

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