Law School Applications: Preparing for the LSAT

What will the test be like?

The LSAT is an online, digital test comprised of four sections, three of which are graded:

• Reading comprehension questions (one graded section)
• Logical reasoning questions (two graded sections)

One additional section is of one of these two types, but is not graded because it is an experimental test question section (used by LSAC to try out new questions). While you will obviously know which type of section the experimental one was (because there will be one extra section of that type), you won’t know which one is the ungraded one.

Separately from the main test, you will also have to complete a prompted writing sample—on your own time and computer. This essay question is not graded and serves solely as a writing sample. It is forwarded to the law schools you apply to. Additional details about the logistics of the writing sample can be found here. NOTE that the prompt and the format of the LSAT writing sample has changed as of July 30, 2024. Now called “LSAT Argumentative Writing,” the prompt includes 3 or 4 perspectives on a debatable issue, and asks you to write an argumentative essay, addressing those perspectives.

You can take the LSAT online at home, or at one of their test centers. The online version is live-proctored, meaning someone is monitoring you through your computer’s camera while you take the test. For the LSAT Argumentative Writing sample, you are recorded, but not live-proctored.

NOTE: In 2024, LSAC eliminated the Analytical Reasoning (“logic games”) section that had appeared on the LSAT for decades. Older preparation materials are still useful for the other two sections, but you should NOT include logic games in your test prep or practice.

How should I prepare?

The stated purpose of the LSAT is to determine how well you have developed the skills necessary to excel at studying law. Law schools rely on your score as a prediction of how well you will do in your first year in law school and, ultimately, on the bar exam.

The LSAT does not test you on any specific body of knowledge but on your ability to read and understand complex material, to reason logically, to analyze information, and to perform well in a timed, stressful situation. These should be the skills you have been developing throughout your undergraduate career, but you will need to learn how to apply those skills to the particular question format of the LSAT.

The following are some general principles of LSAT prep, but they don’t substitute for more in-depth explanations and courses that you will find in the comprehensive free materials referenced below.

To prepare for the LSAT, plan to spend at least 4-6 hours a week for at least three to four months prior to the test date. Think of your prep time as the rough equivalent of the work you’d do for a challenging 4-credit course, one in which you want to do as well as possible. The most important things you can do to prepare for the LSAT are:

    • Review the test format, instructions, and question types. The test should look very familiar to you when you take it.
    • Work through sample questions and explanations to familiarize yourself with the different types of questions.
    • Review at least one set of preparation materials for important strategy on approaching the different kinds of questions. LSAC’s LawHub offers free prep materials.
    • Take lots of practice LSATs. A limited number of free digital practice exams are available online from LSAC’s LawHub. In addition, you can purchase a subscription to 50+ additional electronic tests through LawHub. (If you receive an LSAC fee waiver, the subscription is free.) Books of paper tests are available for purchase from many online and in-person bookstores, and a handful are also available in the DuBois library. Note, though, that paper tests won’t give you a feel for what test-day will actually be like, since the real LSAT is fully electronic. While practicing on paper is very helpful for skills development, you’ll also want to practice with the electronic versions so that the format and tools are familiar on test day. Do as many timed practice tests as you can, but importantly, review ever test carefully as well.
    • Go over each practice test you take in detail to understand which questions you got wrong, why you got them wrong, and how to approach similar questions better in the future. This is the most important part of your prep, and you should allow significant time for it. This is where you’ll see the most improvement in advance of  test day. LSAT prep is like any other skills practice — e.g., music, dance, athletics — where the repeated process of performance+assessment+modification leads to improvement.
    • Be physically as well as mentally prepared on the day of the test. Don’t try to cram the night before. Get plenty of sleep! And don’t forget to eat breakfast.
    • Don’t psych yourself out of doing well on the test. It is very easy to convince yourself that you “don’t do well on standardized tests” or, for whatever reasons, can’t do well on the LSAT. Don’t do this to yourself! Instead, analyze your prior test-taking experiences: what were your specific challenges? Explore how you can address those specific problems, rather than overwhelming yourself with a vague statement about your general test-taking ability. Aim for a high score and then prepare well to make it happen. There is every reason to believe that you can do well on this test.

If you spend sufficient time working through previous tests, you will familiarize yourself with the test format and get practice developing your analytical and reasoning skills further. This will improve your test score. Think of the LSAT as you might think of an athletic or musical challenge, where repeated (thoughtful, reflective) practice is required to perform optimally.

We recommend that you only practice on actual prior LSATs (modified to eliminate the logic games and double the arguments (“Logical Reasoning”) sections. Avoid using materials which are called “model LSAT questions.” LSAC provides a comprehensive list of official licensees of their materials in the LawHub.

Finally, if you plan to study on your own, you’ll want to at least check out the FREE materials available through LSAC’s LawHub. 

Should I take a commercial preparation course?

The decision to take a commercial prep course is a personal one. These courses are not a prerequisite to a good performance on the LSAT, nor do they guarantee a higher score than preparation on your own or with Khan Academy. The courses can be very expensive and the quality of instruction can be uneven. There is a wide range of modalities, from fully online asynchronous courses with no personalized feedback to in-person courses or one-on-one tutoring.

If you are considering a commercial prep company, be sure to talk to others who have already used the same materials or course. If it’s an in-person option, make sure to get feedback in advance on the particular teacher or tutor. (It’s perfectly normal — recommended even — to ask a tutor for references, and then to contact those references before hiring them!) Remember, however, that not every student has the same study skills, so another person’s experience is only relevant if you are pretty sure you have the same work habits and approach.

Also remember that commercial preparation companies are in the business of making money. Alternate, less costly, means of preparation are available—including the free sections of LSAC’s LawHub — as well as prepping on your own. Be skeptical of any course that makes extravagant claims about its ability to raise your score. Although most courses “guarantee” a higher score at the end of the class, you should realize that this is a very easy claim to make—with even the most minimal instruction, your score is likely to go up from your diagnostic test score. Moreover, the guarantee does not usually offer you your money back, just the right to take the course over. Finally, remember that increasing your anxiety is literally part of their business model — they want you to be nervous enough that you’ll pay their fees.

What the commercial courses do best is provide the structure and accountability to get you to do the work you may not do on your own. Depending on the format, they may also provide an instructor of whom you can ask personalized questions, and from whom you can receive personalized feedback and recommendations based on your practice tests (in general, the availability of more one-on-one time with an instructor entails a higher cost). They may also boost your confidence so that you can relax more when you take the exam. In the end, the decision about commercial prep courses depends on what you know about your own learning style and the conditions that will best help you prepare (as well as the resources you have available to pay for a course).

There are a large number of commercial LSAT prep companies out there, offering a wide range of products—in person, online, webinar-based, video-based, etc. Think carefully about your own learning style and what has worked best for you in the past as you make the choice among these options. UMass Pre-Law Advising does NOT make recommendations for (or against) particular prep companies or tutors.

If you do take a course, remember that just showing up for (or watching) the classes will not be sufficient. Expect to put in significant time outside of the classes if you want to improve your score.

Finally, you should know that some of the prep companies offer significant discounts to applicants who qualify for LSAC fee waivers and/or receive financial aid in college. The full list of companies that do so can be found on LSAC’s LawHub. Visit each company’s website to learn more about the specific discounts they offer.

See all LSAT Resources

See info on preparing for the GRE

See an overview of the entire application process