Lawyer-Alumni Networking Group on LinkedIn
The most straightforward aspect of the UMass Lawyer-Alumni Network is the LinkedIn group reserved for UMass students and alums considering law school or who are lawyers themselves. Join the network, and then use it as a means to connect with like-minded lawyers and students. The UMass Alumni Association also has a group just for alums in law. You can also search UMass alums more generally on LinkedIn using the alumni tool—this lets you search for alums in particular fields, employers, and locations.
- For pre-law students and alums: ask questions about particular fields and practice settings, connect with individuals to request informational interviews, talk to law students about their current schools, look for job postings directed specifically at UMass students, and even touch base with other law school applicants about test prep or other matters.
- For law students: Network with practicing attorneys, find other UMass alums at your own school, and share your experiences and growing expertise with those considering law school.
- For lawyers: Network with other UMass alums in the legal profession, find UMass alums for internships and jobs, and share your expertise and experiences with undergrads and alums considering legal careers. Also feel free to highlight recent career achievements or awards (or email me and I’ll do it for you—I’m always happy to brag about our alums!). Use the linkedin/alumni search engine to find UMass alums all over the world.
If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet, now is the time to set one up. Remember: Other social media might be for play, but LinkedIn is for work—your profile should be professional, an online resume of sorts. Make sure your interactions on LinkedIn are professional as well. If you have other social media accounts that might feed automatically into LinkedIn, either disable the automatic feed or keep in mind that your LinkedIn connections can see those posts as well.