Researching law schools: Additional resources

Reliable information and research assistance are hard to come by when you’re looking at law schools. These links represent some of the best.

LSAC – Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools

Searchable database of all ABA-approved law schools, providing substantial data regarding admissions, employment, faculty and student body demographics, bar passage rates and more.

ABA Standard 509 Required Disclosures

Admission and other information for every ABA-accredited law school, all in one convenient location. Includes links to all of the most recent 509s — law schools are required to disclose this information every year, and to post it visibly on their websites.

ABA Section of Legal Education – Employment Outcomes

Searchable database of most recently available employment data for all ABA-approved schools. Does not include salary information, but is otherwise pretty comprehensive.

ABA Section of Legal Education—Law School Statistics

A collection of useful statistics about ABA-accredited law schools, including post-grad employment, admissions, and student body demographics.

Law School Transparency

Tool developed by an independent advocacy group whose aim was to make information about law school costs and employment data more readily accessible and comprehensible for individuals considering legal careers. Now owned by LSAC.

ABA Section of Legal Education – Pre-Law information and resources

The American Bar Association’s Section of Legal Education offers a number of resources for researching legal education options, as well as advice on undergraduate preparation for law school.

My Rank

Spivey Consulting’s MyRank allows you to weight various factors in your consideration of law schools based on your own priorities, and then filters and ranks the schools accordingly.

XploreJD by AccessLex

Another independent tool that allows you to rank schools based on criteria you choose.


See more about researching and choosing law schools

See an overview of the entire application process