6 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Major

You’ve made one of the most important decisions in your life by choosing to come to UMass Amherst. Now we’re going to help you find the right major for you. Here are six factors to consider before choosing a major.

1. What Are Your Biggest Priorities?

Why we choose the majors we do varies from person to person. Factors will vary from student to student based on possible salaries, skill sets, what we are passionate about, or life goals. When considering a major think about — economic advantage, interest level, and ability — are most important and relevant to you and your goals.

2. What Are You Interested In?

New research has confirmed that students who are interested in course material are better able to engage in class. The challenge is that some of us haven’t figured out what we are interested in. There are great tools that we can find to help us figure this out, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and CliftonStrengths Finder. These assessments help you to learn more about your habits and attitudes, as well as to identify your strengths.

You can also explore potential areas of study and career paths by joining student clubs, engaging in the community, working on campus, managing a student agency, or completing an internship.

3. What Are You Good At?

Understanding your natural skills and talents can go a long way in helping you make an informed and confident decision when choosing a major. It may be your parents’ dream for you to be an engineer, but what if you are more interested in working with people in your community or in a business setting? Now is the time for you to explore what you are good at. Talk to your professors, academic advisors, and career advisors for guidance and exploration of how your skills can fit your career path.

4. What are Your Salary Needs?

When considering which major to pursue, determine how important salary and salary potential weigh into your decision-making process. That said, some students care more about the importance of their work than the salary offered; they don’t want a job just for the money. Job salaries for SBS majors vary as our majors can lead to a variety of careers.  If you have majors and/or careers you would like to learn more about, meet with an SBS career advisor in the Pathways Center (Thompson 128).

5. Will You Enjoy the Classes in Your Major?

Some majors may feel harder than others due to your interest in the course content and how your academic strengths fit within the curriculum. For example, are you someone that enjoys math and statistics courses? Do you like reading and writing? Classes in your major will make up a significant portion of your college course load. Before you declare a major, make sure you understand the requirements and the types of courses you will take.

6. What Does Your Academic Advisor Say?

Checking in with your academic advisor is an important step to take when deciding on a major. They can provide you with important perspectives when selecting a major. If you are an SBS student exploring majors, stop by Thompson 128 and meet with an academic advisor in the SBS Pathways Center.

By Koni Denham
Koni Denham Director of Student Success - SBS