The two main goals of PST are to get Volunteers trained in relevant technical and language skills. So, even if you have no experience in education or health – or have never spoken a foreign …
The class of 2021 is entering a tricky job market in a time of transition. Many segments in the social-impact sector have been hit hard by the pandemic—and though some organizations are bouncing …
By Rebecca Bell
Rebecca BellAssociate Director of Career and Professional Development for SBS
When you’re listing your contact information in the header of your resume, you may assume your street address is part of that. And for a long time you would’ve been right. But in our increasingly online world—when’s the last time …
As you get ready to graduate with a degree in economics—or maybe as you’re choosing your major—you’re bound to be wondering what sort of jobs you’re qualified for. You likely know that you can go into investment banking or management …
I like to plan and make lists. Daily lists, monthly lists, everything was planned to a T, and I had a fabulous five year plan after senior high school; Graduate, move to South Africa for university and study law, …
By Odessa Burkett
Odessa BurkettAssistant Director of Career and Professional Development for SBS
This summer, the SBS Career Team is hosting an interactive and engaging rising sophomore & junior career skills preparation series via Zoom. For one week, June 7th-June 11th, students will virtually participate in a variety of workshops such as: self-exploration …
By Rachel Noto
Rachel NotoAssistant Director of Field Experience and Employer Engagement
Looking for a job can be an overwhelming process, especially when looking for something that matches your passion for meaning, ethics and sustainability across diverse industries. Below is a list of resources that help take the guesswork out of the …