SBS partners with UMass’ Student Success Office to support students who transferred to UMass from another college or university. Our academic advisors in your declared major or in the Exploratory Track can help you understand how prior work is being applied to your UMass degree. Additional important resources, experiences, or opportunities are listed below.
AMHERST, Mass. – The University of Massachusetts Amherst is one of 140 nonprofits to receive grants through the Cummings Foundation $25 million Grant Program. UMass was chosen from among 590 applicants and will receive $100,000 over three years.
Have you ever sent an email no one seemed to understand that ended up derailing the timeline for an entire project? Or written a report that you then had to explain verbally to everyone after they read it?
Learn concrete steps to negotiate for a raise, a promotion, more vacation days, or a better schedule with this video series from Duke University professor Ashleigh Shelby Rosette. In Part 1, she explains why women need to negotiate. She also …
By Carol Sharick
Carol SharickDirector of Career and Professional Development for Undergraduates, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences