SBS Shadows Student Information

SBS Shadows Student Information & Registration

Sophomore, junior and senior SBS majors may apply for, and be matched with, up to two shadowing experiences.

Here’s a short preview of why you’d want to shadow someone, and how it works.

Application Process
Students interested in job shadowing will go through several stages to ensure the best matches possible between applicants and hosts.

Phase 1 – Create an account
Fill out the registration form and confirm that you understand the program expectations.

Phase 2 – Watch the web training and complete the brief quiz

Phase 3 – Complete your profile
Complete your profile in the system.  Once your profile is completed and approved, start exploring the shadowing site options.  Add sites of interest to your list.  Once you have found up to three hosts/sites of interest, place them in rank order, and submit.  You will need to upload a resume and answer two short essay questions for each site.

Phase 4Orientation
Attend a shadowing orientation session.  Dates and times are listed on the SBS Shadows webpageYou will not be matched with a host if you have not attended an orientation.

Phase 5 – Host review
Hosts will review their applications, and rank order their preferences.

Phase 6 – Matching and Scheduling
On December 10, hosts and students will be notified of their match. It will be the student’s responsibility to contact the host and set up a date to shadow.

Expectations of Participating Students
Students are responsible for initiating contact with the host once they are selected, transporting themselves to and from the job shadowing site, researching the organization in advance of the shadowing day, and coming prepared with questions. Learn more about the host and student responsibilities (PDF).

Lock-In Date & Cancellation Policy
Students who are matched with a host may not cancel after December 20th, or three weeks before their scheduled shadowing date, whichever is later. Hosts put a lot of effort into organizing a day for you, and it is expected that you will follow through and complete each shadowing opportunity you apply to and are matched with. Students who do not follow this policy will not be allowed to participate in the job shadowing program in the future and their Handshake account will be blocked. To remove the block, you will be required to meet with Carol Sharick, Director of Career & Professional Development for SBS, and write a letter of apology to the host.


Nov. 15 Students can register and view and review potential shadowing opportunities. You must attend an orientation session prior to Nov. 30 in order to be matched with a host.
Nov. 30 Deadline to select your top three potential sites for job shadowing.
Dec. 1-9 Hosts review applications and select their top three.
Dec. 10 Hosts and students are notified of matches and begin to make arrangements regarding mutually agreeable dates.
Dec. 20 Lock in date.  Students may not cancel after this date, or three weeks prior to the agreed-upon shadowing date, whichever is later.
Dec. 26 – Jan. 18 Shadowing takes place at the host’s workplace.