
Welcome to the SBS alumni circle. You’re part of a distinguished group of people who are using their SBS degrees to make waves in the world. Some of you are producing groundbreaking television shows, or writing illuminating books about the advertising industry, or conducting policy research that will influence Congress or founding organizations that educate homeless youth. Let us tell your story.

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6 IRL Networking Tips for Introverts

The country is reopening, with more and more in-person events being held each day. This means that in-real-life networking will soon return. While this might be a welcome development to some, to others, including many introverts, this might be daunting. …

By Firsthand
We help applicants, students, job-seekers and professionals like you find the right career path using the power of firsthand experiences.
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10 Sustainability Careers That Make a Difference

Sustainability is a popular and growing field that attempts to integrate social science, environmental science and civil engineering to make the earth more sustainable. Now, more than ever, the need is great for highly-educated professionals to study and implement more …

By Odessa Burkett
Odessa Burkett Assistant Director of Career and Professional Development for SBS
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SBS Pathways Proud! Rising Researcher Claire Healy’21, PoliSci, working to bring about global peace and understanding

In her first year at UMass, Claire Healy had a grand vision. What if there was an international, multilingual magazine that could create community among young people across borders? The magazine would publish poets, writers, artists, and journalists and its …

By Carol Sharick
Carol Sharick Director of Career and Professional Development for Undergraduates, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
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