Sample Resumes

This resource contains a variety of sample resumes that are appropriate for SBS majors.  Use these as a formatting guide.  Take note of how they layout the page, what they call their sections, and in what order the sections appear on the page.  Consider how they describe what the person did in their jobs, internships and activities.  Whether you have a lot of experience, or a little, these are the formats you should use.  Everyone’s experience is a little different, so your resume will not match these exactly.  These are a guide.  In parenthesis at the top of each sample, you will find the kind of experience we think this sample gives a good description for.

Start your resume with a blank Word doc.  DO NOT USE A TEMPLATE.  They cause problems on the recruiting end for a variety of reasons that will not help you/your application.  Once you have a draft ready, you can bring it to the SBS Pathways Center to have it reviewed by a trained peer advisor.  You should ALWAYS have someone else review your resume before you submit it for a job application.

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